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Justice ACED Academy

Acknowledging, Certifying, Empowering, and Disseminating policies and practices that together promote Justice (Equity) and Freedom (Fairness) with Peace (Security) even in initially unjust, unfair, and unsafe places--our vision of democracy at its best.

Our History

We gratefully acknowledge the contribution of (a) children, parents, schools, businesses, churches, and communities that informed the development, evaluation, and refinement of policies and practices recommended here; (b) more than 20 financial sources of support received from city, state, county, and federal governments along with local and national foundations and the Pittsburgh School District; and (c) the Pennsylvania Legislative Black Caucus that years ago provided a platform for (a) and (b) with a development grant of $500,000.

Website Organization

Our Aims

Our Theory

Our Applications of Theory

Our Research which Informs Theory

Training and Certification in policies and practices that enable Justice (Outcome Equities) and Freedom (Fair Access to our nation's fountains of opportunity) are described under Training Offered. Use the tab Contact Us for information on how to enable these outcomes in places you call home.

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